SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: From Overstrand to Sheringham, NORFOLK
Legend: "In other versions of the legend the scenario is the same [in a shipwreck, master and dog are drowned, washed ashore, and buried separately] but the [black] dog has two masters who are buried in widely separated churchyards on the north Norfolk coast (usually Sheringham and Overstrand)...The ghost of their dog [Shuck] is then said to run between the two graves." (1)

"Shuck, the Captain's dog and only survivor of a shipwreck, roamed about the countryside after dark, 'with eyes as big as tea-saucers', searching for his master and was at last discovered in Sidestrand churchyard lying between the graves of the unfortunate ship's crew." (2)
Sources: (1) Ivan Bunn: 'Black Shuck' Part 2, in 'Lantern' No. 19 (Autumn 1977), p. 5.
(2) Letter from E. Girling Smith in the 'East Anglian Magazine', Vol. 18, No. 5 (March 1959), p. 296.
Comments: Sidestrand is quite near to Overstrand, and I put that particular tale here to illustrate how ubiquitous the 'shipwreck' legend is, even though the specific quote seems to be about a physical dog rather than a phantom.
Other: See also Sidestrand, Hunstanton to Gt. Yarmouth, Hunstanton to Cromer, Bacton to Beeston Regis.

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