SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: From Hunstanton to Cromer, NORFOLK
Legend: "In North Norfolk his existence is explained by a shipwreck off the coast in which two men were drowned and washed up. Being strangers, it was decided to bury them in two different parishes. Shuck is the ghost of a [black] dog, belonging to one of the men, who was also washed up in the tragedy; he runs backwards and forwards to this day between Hunstanton and Cromer, uncertain which grave contains his master."
Source: C. D. Reader: 'The Reality behind Black Shuck', in 'East Anglia Monthly' (Feb. 1983), p. 47.
Other: See also Hunstanton to Gt. Yarmouth, Overstrand to Sheringham, Bacton to Beeston Regis.

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