SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: Roudham, NORFOLK
Encounter: "In the Spring of 1962 I was on leave from my unit in Aden. About 00:30 hours on a Monday I was returning from a visit to London driving along the then A11 across Roudham Heath near Thetford. As I got near the point where the Peddar's Way crossed the A11 I saw a huge Newfoundland dog coming from the left along the Path. [Map Ref. TL934871] 

I felt unable to do anything to avoid the dog. However there was no crash, instead the dog reappeared on my right continuing his journey. At this time I had never heard of 'Old Shuck'. But I knew the dog was not of this world. When I got home my mother got up to let me in and said that my hair was on end and my face as white as snow. When I told her what had happened, she said that I had seen 'Old Shuck'. 

Of two things I am certain, the dog was benign and not of the Devil. Also he had two eyes not one in the middle of his head. Since that time I have seen much of the other world and have been able to foresee family deaths and the illness of friends."
Source: Letter from witness Mr. A. G. Kent to me, 22/10/83.

See also Gt. Massingham, Castle Acre, Peddar's Way.

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