SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: St. Olaves, SUFFOLK

"The 'East Anglian Daily Times' published an article where Jimmy Farman described an encounter with a large Black Dog while walking his dog over the marshes near St. Olaves. He described seeing it in the distance, whereupon his young bitch 'crouched
down and went mad with fear'. Again, the Dog turned to walk towards them, and then vanished." (1)

"'A great black dog it was, and the eyes were like railway lamps. He crossed my path down by the dyke and my old bitch almost went mad with fear. Crouched down she did, and the hairs rose up on her back as though they were bristles. For some minutes I couldn't get her to move; no, not a step; and she moaned terribly, just like a child'." (2)


(1), relating info from a now-defunct web site.

(2) The 'East Anglian Daily Times' (25/5/1939), quoted in Peter Haining: 'The Supernatural Coast' (Robert Hale, 1992), p. 44-5.

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