SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: Hunstanton, NORFOLK
Encounter: On a sunny day in about 2000 or a little before, the witness was driving out of Hunstanton on the main A149 road, home towards King's Lynn. Glancing in his rear view mirror, he saw, some distance behind him, a "giant black shape - clearly a dog" running from left to right across both lanes of the road. After an instant's thought, he realised the creature was unnaturally large, larger even than a Great Dane, and looked again, only for it to have vanished into the flat landscape. He only realised the significance of the encounter later, when he learned about Black Shuck.
Comments: Although the witness thought there was nowhere for the dog to have disappeared to, there are hedges, bushes and trees on both sides of the A149 for some distance out of Hunstanton - but again, there are a few areas that are indeed open.

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