SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: Unknown location, SUFFOLK
Encounter: "A Methodist minister was driving through a small Suffolk village one recent years... when suddenly a dog dashed out into the road in front of him. He could not avoid hitting the animal and he felt the wheels on the driver's side of the car go up and over the 'body'. He stopped, expecting to find a dead animal in the road but there was nothing - no dog, no marks, no dent in the car. He noticed a man standing at a nearby bus shelter so the minister approached him to ask if he had witnessed the incident. 'Were it an old black dog?' queried the man. The minister said it was and that he had felt the car go over the beast. 'Don't you worry 'bout that, it happens here regular', was the man's reply."
Source: Peter Jeffery: 'East Anglian Ghosts, Legends & Lore' (The Old Orchard Press, 1988), p. 86.

Location: Unknown location, east SUFFOLK
Encounter: Ref. The 'black dog bogie' at Aldeburgh: "Another walk he has, some five miles off, under an avenue of elms, that arch the entrance to a little village...and here he was met one night by the father of a servant of ours, who offended him [the dog] by stopping, and was treated by him with great indignity."
Source: M. H. James: 'Bogie Tales of East Anglia' (Pawsey & Hayes, 1891), p. 33-4.
Other: It's possible that the village "five miles off" mentioned here is Theberton, which fits the distance given, and has its own tales of a ghostly dog.

Location: Unknown location, east SUFFOLK
Encounter: "Evelyn Davey-Collins, of Lowestoft, mentions that 'Black Shuck', or 'Old Shuck' as he was sometimes called, was reported to roam the coast roads, and his appearance foretold disaster at sea. 'I talked to a man who claimed to have seen him shortly before one of our Lowestoft fishing vessels went down in a storm with all the crew'."
Source: Christopher Reeve: 'A Straunge & Terrible Wunder' (Morrow, 1988), p. 67.

Location: Unknown location, SUFFOLK
Legend: "'The place I know supposed to be haunted by 'Shock' is where a man was pitched off a wagon and broke his neck, and his spirit is supposed to be periodically seen in the form of a calf or big dog with shaggy mane and tea-saucer eyes. The said creature is, I believe, only to be seen by those born during Chime hours (8, 12, 4), these people being also qualified to see any ghost'."
Source: Lady E. C. Gurdon: 'County Folklore: Printed Extracts No. 2: Suffolk' (D. Nutt, 1893), p. 92, quoting an extract from a letter written to Mr. Redstone [English master at Woodbridge Grammar School.]