SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: Reydon, SUFFOLK
Encounter: "One evening at the turn of the [20th] century, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Southwold, when driving home along the road near Reydon Hall, also saw Black Shuck. It seemed almost under their horse's hooves. 'Mother called out', Miss Mildred Reynolds tells me; 'and father took the whip to frighten it, so they should not run it over - and it just wasn't there any longer!' Many years later, when Mrs. Reynolds happened to mention this terrifying experience to Miss Wilmer, a relative of the owner of Reydon Hall, she learnt for the first time of Black Shuck..."
Source: A. A. MacGregor: 'The Ghost Book' (Robert Hale, 1955), p. 70.

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