SHUCKLAND             Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: Hempton, NORFOLK
Legend: "When I was a small boy I can remember my grandmother telling me an old tale of a ghost dog which appeared at the old M & G N railway crossing [TF917292] at midnight on the anniversary each year of its death...According to my grandmother the dog was killed by a passing steam train whilst I believe she said it was on its way home to the old 'Grove', a rambling old house next to the railway station.

Of course my grandmother never knew the date the dog was killed, but as a child I never liked crossing the line in a car at night. My grandmother's name was Nellie Best, she moved to Fakenham from Great 1930. How old the tale was and where she had heard it, God only knows, but I have never heard of it since."

Source: Letter from Mr. Nick Paquay to me, 1/9/1983.

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