SHUCKLAND          Introduction        Alphabetical List of Locations
Location: Between Feltwell and Southery, NORFOLK
Encounter: "I was cycling along Poppylot Road between Feltwell and Southery at about midnight on a fine moonlight night [in the 1930s] when two green eyes came into the beam of my front light followed by a large black dog running towards me in the centre of the road and dragging a heavy rattling chain. The dog stayed on course in the centre of the road and showed no interest as I cycled past. Apart from the unusually large size of both dog and chain it did not differ from any other dog..If it was Old Shuck that [I]...encountered he just went on his way and ignored [me]..."
Source: Letter from Mrs. J. Reade (witness) to me, 29/9/1983.
Comments: If it wasn't for the following two encounters on the same stretch of road, this would probably count as just a fairly ordinary dog.
Other: See also legend and encounter at Southery.

Location: On Poppylot Road, between Feltwell & Southery
Encounter: "At a much earlier date [than the 1930s encounter above] my late husband was repairing a punctured tyre by torchlight at the roadside when he heard a rattling chain and saw a black dog trotting in the same direction on the road."
Source: As above.

Location: On Poppylot Road, between Feltwell & Southery
Encounter: "A young bus conductor who lived nearby also mentioned that he too had seen a black dog dragging a chain at a late hour on the same stretch of road."
Source: As above.

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